Why limelight is the best IPL to remove unwanted pigment


Limelight treatment in progress

Do you feel that your skin is feeling the effects of Summer? Even more so showing them? Being exposed to harsh UV rays not only can add to the ageing process but may bring out some unwanted pigmentation. Want to bring back your clear bright skin?? Please read on.

If you’re looking for a skin treatment that does a little bit of everything; lightens pigment, removes small facial telangiectasia (which are those tiny little red capillaries that we see on the surface of our skin) and improves skin texture, then a Limelight facial would be perfect for you.

The Lime Light facial is an IPL based laser that addresses all the concerns just mentioned. It tackles almost everything in one go, but predominantly at reducing dark skin spots etc.

In summary IPL (intense pulse light) is a form of laser light therapy that uses multiple wavelengths of light to address different concerns, for example pigmentation or red spots. The process in which pigment is removed from the skin is relatively simple. When the light from the laser penetrates through the skin this light is then transformed into energy. This energy then breaks down the melanocytes (cells carrying the pigment) into even smaller cell sizes which will then rise to the surface and slowly slough off with the skins natural shedding processor through the lymphatic system.

There are several IPL options out there, we offer Cutera’s Limelight IPL which has an incredible advantage (our clients think so too!). In comparison to other IPL’s it offers a variety of different settings which can be targeted to specific skin types and concerns, AND the laser utilises integrated cooling to allow for maximum comfort during the treatment which many other machines do not actually have.

Comparison within 1 week

Example of darkened pigment post 1 week

Although it may be sounding very similar to Laser Genesis, it is slightly more intense. It has more oomph, because it is really working at targeting specific chromophore (i.e. Pigmented cells such as melanocytes) which we love! The great thing about Limelight is that it can be used in conjunction with other treatments, including laser Genesis! I know, right? Genesis AND Limelight together! Helena’s favourite winter treatment. (Make sure you read to the end as we have a little gift ?)

The treatment is not incredibly comfortable to have, but because of the integrated cooling, it is a bit more comfortable compared to other IPL’s. We think it is so important to be able to make our clients feel as comfortable as possible, and we talk you through the entire treatment so there are no unexpected surprises.

During the treatment a cool gel is applied to the skin, this helps to protect and pre-cool the epidermis. The laser light is then pulsed anywhere from 40 – 50 times which targets the irregularities in the skin. During each pulse a slight stinging sensation can be felt, this is quickly counteracted by the cooling integrated into the laser head.

After the treatment the skin will appear slightly red and any brown pigmented spots will become darker. We often lay our clients under the LED after the treatment for several reasons; it draws out the pigment quicker, it eases the tingling caused by the laser, and it’ll just make your skin extra firm, youthful, and will ensure maximum glow. Yes please!!

Within 24 hours of the treatment the pigment on your skin may be quite dark, I like to describe it like coffee granules over the face. The amount of course is dependent on how much pigment there is to begin with. Then over the course of 1-2 weeks these little dark speckles of pigment will softly flake off. Aaaaaand…voila! The great thing with Limelight also is that it helps to draw out any pigment lying deeper in the skin.

After the first treatment you can often see where the laser has been, it’s almost like little brick marks. On your second treatment, we will go over the areas we didn’t cover in the first treatment. And the process of darkened pigment begins again.

The outcome of Limelight is truly amazing, I literally have no more pigment left on my face, and this is due to having Limelight every few weeks over Autumn and Winter. Not because I enjoy the pain (because let’s be honest none of us get excited for that), but because I truly notice an incredible difference in my skin’s texture and an increase in collagen formation.

Your skin will feel plump, smooth and overall will have a great glow about it. Particularly after multiple treatments.  Of course, everyone’s skin is different and have different degrees of pigment so the number of sessions you need will depend on a variety of factors, including your skin goals.

Before and After

Before and After (4 treatments)

We never guarantee full removal of pigment or a porcelain skin. Everyone’s results will vary, and this will depend on age, skin type and how long the pigmentation has been in the skin. However, what we do guarantee is a more softened appearance to the skin. It’s important to note that although the pigment will be visible on the skin’s surface, make up can be applied and will cover a lot of it. You definitely do not need to take time off work or be locked away; however, I would not recommend getting this treatment within a couple of days before an event or party 😉

With the Limelight procedure you don’t have to have heaps of pigmentation to have it done, it may just be a spot on your check that has darkened over the warmer months. Like I mentioned above its just slightly more intense than genesis. We are offering the below Limelight prices now, but of course please book a consultation with me if you need to know more or discuss your individual goals or concerns.

PS. We always recommend having a skin check at a reputable skin cancer clinic such as Rosebud Skin Cancer Centre ((03) 5986 1600) prior to any treatment of pigmented lesions or spots.